Archive for the tag: TRAINING

Clicker Training Your Cat is Easy and Fun!

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I’m a huge fan of clicker training – I even have a shelter-based program called Cat Pawsitive that helps cats become more adoptable, secure, confident and more bonded with humans. Folks are often amazed at how easy it is to get their cats started – and thanks to my good friend and Cat Pawsitive trainer/mentor Samantha Bell, we will show you in this video. Get ready to high five your cat – and more!

0:00 Prologue
2:13 Part 1 – The Basics
3:33 Part 2 – The Role of the Reward
5:50 Part 3 – Charging the Clicker
7:15 Part 4 – The Training Session
14:28 Epilogue

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“Light, Love & Mojo”
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You may be surprised to learn that there isn’t really a way to discipline your cat, and that spray bottle you’re using isn’t doing anything but harming your relationship with your cat. So what can you do to train your cat to behave better around the home? Jackson Galaxy explains.

?? Find Jackson’s Favorite Cat ? Products: ??

#MyCatFromHell on Animal Planet:




Video Rating: / 5

Dog Training 101: How to Train ANY DOG the Basics

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How to train your dog the basics! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! Download the app and follow me there! @zakgeorge

Help the Dog Training Revolution do more and get better access to me to help you with your dog starting at a month!

If you are new to teaching your dog, you’ll want to watch this playlist! A complete step by step guide to teaching your dog or puppy:

An intro to clicker training:

This is a MUST for anyone new to dog training, or anyone who has reached a plateau. Dog training should not be about domination, but communication. The latest installment of my “Dog Training 101” series is up, and it’s a good one! Absolutely PACKED with entertaining dogs and great info. Y’all are going to like this one:) Believe it or not, I’ll give you a quick lesson on how to teach your dog to leave something alone when you ask, look at you when you ask, sit, lie, down, tips on working with high energy dog, the importance of the training bubble, the value of clicker training, and of course how to achieve great communication with your dog!

I find it so gratifying to know that thousands of people will see these videos and that together, we are encouraging people to use more effective and humane approaches to training. Quite honestly, I really do not think there’s anything like this out there today when it comes to dog training. If you like the video, click “LIKE”:) and tell me what you think!

Help me get this video out there! Do you have a preference when it comes to hyper dogs vs. chill dogs?
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Puppy Training! First things to teach your puppy or dog! Sit, Housetraining, leave it, and more! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at 

Enter code Zak30 when you check out to receive off of your first 3 autoship orders. Just choose your dog food. Decide how often you want it delivered and you’re done! Modify or cancel your order at any time for any reason!

??I’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I’m very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:
Video Rating: / 5

Learn 5 CAT TRICKS in 10 minutes – Easy & Cool Clicker Training Tricks

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Step by step TUTORIAL to teach your cat 5 EASY & COOL TRICKS! How to teach them step by step from zero!

Clicker Training your cat tricks it’s not only going to turn your cat into the coolest cat of the neighborhood, it’s also going to improve your bond and communication to levels you never thought were possible.

In this tutorial I’d like to share with you how to teach your cat 5 cool, useful and easy tricks:
00:00 Intro
2:14 Teach your cat how to sit
3:49 Get your cat how to lay down
5:26 Get your cat to sit and stay
7:07 Teach your cat how to raise the front legs (Sit Pretty)
8:18 Teaching your cat to do a spin

These tricks are easily teachable to your cat but you might want to check this tutorial first if you don’t know what clicker training is:
– How to do clicker training –

After watching this video, if your cat doesn’t know them already, this 2 are the most useful tricks you can teach your cat:
– The first trick you should teach your cat –
– Get your cat to come when called –

Patreon –

– Harness Train Your Cat –
– Main Mistakes When Walking Your Cat –


– Canon 90D-
– Lens 24mm f2.8 –
– Microphone –
– Tripod –
– Lighting –

– Instagram –
– TikTok –


Some of the products I use in this video:
– Kibble instead of treats (is HELATHIER for your cat)
– Clicker (Super Cheap)

Consider Subscribing if you want to see more content like this. My mission is to normalize cats as adventure companions and I’ll be uploading videos helping people like you and me to do more with our purring friends!

Cat dads and cat ladies have been around for a while. We are here to teach cat parents how to train their cats within a new paradigm.

As a cat lover I’m sure you want the best for your cats. Adventuring with your cat, clicker training and feeding your cat high quality food is going to get you there. Having a happy cat that loves you is easy. Start training positive reinforcement and going outdoors with them!

DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
Video Rating: / 5

Your cat needs positive, daily interaction with you to live a healthy and enriched life. Training your cat does just that! One short session per day is an excellent way to burn your cat’s energy and strengthen your bond.

Have fun training!
– Julie and Jones

Enrich Your Cat’s Life And Strengthen Your Bond With Training
?? The Cat School Toolkit includes all the tools you need to start training your cat:
• A quiet clicker ideal for cats
• A retractable target stick/clicker to make it easy to teach complex behaviors.
• A printed booklet to guide you on your training journey


What is Cat School Membership? It’s a roadmap to training your cat.
Inside the membership:
• Get access to all Cat School courses from clicker training, harness training, nail trims, leash walking, addressing problem behaviours, and tons of skills and tricks.
• Join a growing community of cat trainers.
• Get support from the teacher to help your cat succeed.

Only need the clicker training tools?
• Amazon (Canada Only):
• Amazon (US Only):

Check out our Leash Walking Kit (US & Canada Only):

I’m Julie Posluns, also known as Julie, the Cat Teacher. My goal is to help people enrich their cat’s life with clicker training. I am an Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist (ACAAB). I love to break complex behaviours into tiny achievable steps and show cat guardians how fun and rewarding it is to train their cats. My assistant in the videos is a black cat named Jones, who has a full scholarship to Cat School.

?? Get Featured!
Show off your training and tag on Instagram:
#catschool #catschoolstudent

**We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites.**
Video Rating: / 5

Cats 101 : Basic Cat Training Tips

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Use coupon code “KITTENLIFE” to get 20% OFF The Best Cat Collars Available here :
( Use coupon code “KITTENLIFE” to get 20% OFF )
Maine Coon Facebook Page :
Maine Coon Facebook Group:


In today’s video, we are going to talk about Basic Cat Training Tips.

The cat is a very independent animal, and many cat owners will tell you that it is this independence that makes the cat such a comfortable companion around the house. Cats are not as demanding of attention as dogs. And, unlike dogs, most cats don’t make any particular effort to win your approval, they’ll often wait for you to come to them rather than run around trying to catch your eye.

All this means that the cat is a very easy going creature who is polite and self-possessed. But it also means that it can be difficult to train a cat. If you and your cat don’t see eye to eye over a certain kind of behavior, you might have a hard time getting him to do things your way. However, don’t give up hope, it’s not completely impossible to modify your cat’s behavior.

Probably the very first training you’ll want to give your cat will be in using the litter box, for very obvious reasons.

Can a cat be trained? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”, but it has to be done on feline terms. Everything in this video designed to help you see the world from your cat’s perspective, which is an important key to training. You can train a cat to jump through hoops or roll over on command. However, a more valuable training goal is teaching him to stay within the boundaries of acceptable behavior in society.

Litter Box Training.

Training a cat to use a litter box usually isn’t difficult. Cats are generally clean by nature and have a natural inclination to bury their waste. Use these steps to train your cat to start using a litter box.

Place your cat and a clean litter box, the kind without a cover in a confined area, like a room in your house. Be sure your cat has plenty of food and clean water. If your cat ‘goes’ outside of the box, place the waste in the litter box.

Usually, within a day or two of being confined with the litter box, the cat will begin to use the box regularly. If the cat isn’t using the box within a couple of days, try this. After the cat has eaten, place the cat in the litter box and then just scratch the surface of the litter a bit with your fingertip.

If it’s still a no-go, make sure the box is clean. If it’s ever been used before, clean it with baking soda and fill it with clean litter. You can also try several types of litter, sometimes a cat will be fine with one brand and turn up its nose at another brand. Also make sure that the box is located in a quiet, secluded area.

If nothing seems to work, consult your vet. Occasionally an underlying medical problem can be the cause of a cat’s reluctance to use a litter box.

End furniture scratching.

Furniture scratching is a natural feline behavior. They scratch to condition their claws, get exercise, mark territory, and simply because it’s fun. Remember, screaming or hitting doesn’t work. Try these tips instead.

Trim your cat’s claws and re-channel energy toward a scratching post or a cardboard scratching pad. Praise your cat and give her a treat whenever you see her use the scratching post. Make your upholstered furniture less inviting by applying double-sided tape or spraying a cat repellent around the area where your cat scratches.

Behavior Training.

If your cat is doing some things that you’d really prefer it didn’t do, there’s a good chance that you can train that bad behavior away. But first, try to understand why the cat is behaving that way. There’s a reason, and from the cat’s perspective, of course, the behavior is perfectly reasonable.

If the cat is clawing your furniture, for example, it’s driven by instinct to do that. It needs to claw something, it’s a survival instinct. Doesn’t have to be your furniture, but something. So there’s not much chance of getting your cat to stop clawing. But you can train the cat to focus its clawing instinct on acceptable objects, like scratching posts.

Train your cat to behave appropriately by using positive reinforcement, not punishment. Don’t hit the cat when it scratches the furniture.

Cat Scratching Post.

Spend time near the post encouraging your cat to interact with it. Play with the cat near the post and incorporate it into your play. The most important step is to reward the cat every time your cat uses the post. Have yummy food treats nearby and give one to the cat whenever you see his scratching the post. Once your cat is using the scratching post you have provided, you can teach him or her that other things are off-limits.

Copyright Disclaimer:
We respect the copyright interests of the individual owners in the video and don’t claim to own the original photos.


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Dogumentary TV has teamed up with Oscar Mora of Elevated Canine Academy to bring you Dog Training Fundamentals. This series is an introduction series into dog training. In lesson one, Oscar goes over “charging your markers”, which tells the dog when he is going to be rewarded. It also helps you as a trainer gauge a dog’s interest in working with you. I’M A BIG FAN OF DJI DRONES AND CAMERAS, GREAT FOR GETTING AMAZING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OF YOUR DOGS.