Archive for the tag: Steps

The First Steps For Training Your Rescue/Rehomed/Adult Dog!

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The First Steps For Training Your Rescue/Rehomed/Adult Dog!

When it comes to adult dog training, there are several ways to use puppy training strategies that are just as important (maybe even more important) to teach your dog to listen and to show them that you’re actually WORTH listening to! This can be even more important if your adult dog is new to you. Rescue dog training, rehomed dog training, shelter dogs that come from the shelter and into your home need training. They may already know how to walk on a leash or respond to their name. But you need them to know that they need to listen every time. You also need to keep your dog safe and give them the most comfortable introduction to your family possible. In this video, we’ll talk about how to do that.

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Happy Training! ~Ken
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Learn how to understand my leash training method in simple understandable terms.
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Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping Up In 2 Simple Steps!

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Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping Up In 2 Simple Steps! Having a dog or a puppy that jumps up all the time can cause serious issues as it can knock people over and harm them so making sure your dog doesn’t jump up at people is important. With two simple steps this will allow you to achieve high levels of results in a short space of time.



Fenrir –
Will –

Here on The Fenrir Canine Training we make videos about man’s best friend so if this is your first time here don’t forget to subscribe! These videos are made and aimed at adults in a stage of their life to purchase or adopt a dog, we want to help them choose the right breed and become excellent canine leaders to help end the number of dogs that end up in shelters.

This video contains affiliate links, this means that if you purchase a product after following our link I receive a small commission and it helps fund making videos like this one. All footage or pictures used is my own or legally purchased through Big Stock Photo or StoryBlocks video.

#Fenrir #dogtraining #FenrirCanineLeaders
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